/** * Copyright (C) 2018 Noah Loomans * * This file is part of rooster.hetmml.nl. * * rooster.hetmml.nl is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * rooster.hetmml.nl is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with rooster.hetmml.nl. If not, see . * */ window.USERS = [ { type: 's', value: '18561' }, { type: 's', value: '18562' }, { type: 's', value: '18563' }, { type: 's', value: '18564' }, { type: 's', value: '18565' }, { type: 's', value: '18566' }, { type: 's', value: '18567' }, { type: 's', value: '18568' }, { type: 's', value: '18569' }, ]; const deepFreeze = require('deep-freeze'); const reducer = require('./reducers').default; const { DEFAULT_STATE } = require('./reducers')._test; beforeAll(() => { deepFreeze(DEFAULT_STATE); }); describe('SEARCH/SET_USER', () => { it('Resets the search state if the user is null', () => { const prevState = { search: { foo: 'bar' } }; const action = { type: 'SEARCH/SET_USER', user: null }; deepFreeze([prevState, action]); expect(reducer(prevState, action)).toEqual({ search: DEFAULT_STATE.search, }); }); it('Sets all the values of that user properly', () => { expect(reducer(undefined, { type: 'SEARCH/SET_USER', user: 's/18561' })).toEqual({ ...DEFAULT_STATE, search: { results: [], text: '18561', selected: 's/18561', }, }); }); }); describe('SEARCH/INPUT_CHANGE', () => { describe('searchText is empty or whitespace-only', () => { it('Returns no results', () => { ['', ' ', '\t'].forEach((searchText) => { const prevState = undefined; const action = { type: 'SEARCH/INPUT_CHANGE', searchText }; deepFreeze([prevState, action]); const nextState = reducer(prevState, action); expect(nextState).toEqual({ ...DEFAULT_STATE, search: { results: [], text: searchText, selected: null, }, }); }); }); }); describe('searchText is 18', () => { let nextState; beforeAll(() => { const prevState = undefined; const action = { type: 'SEARCH/INPUT_CHANGE', searchText: '18' }; deepFreeze([prevState, action]); nextState = reducer(prevState, action); }); it('Only returns 4 results', () => { expect(nextState.search.results).toHaveLength(4); }); it('Selects the first result', () => { expect(nextState.search.selected).toEqual('s/18561'); }); it('Copies the searchText over to state.search.text', () => { expect(nextState.search.text).toEqual('18'); }); }); }); describe('SEARCH/CHANGE_SELECTED_RESULT', () => { describe('State has no results', () => { it('Does nothing', () => { const actionPlus = { type: 'SEARCH/CHANGE_SELECTED_RESULT', relativeChange: +1 }; const actionMin = { type: 'SEARCH/CHANGE_SELECTED_RESULT', relativeChange: -1 }; deepFreeze([actionPlus, actionMin]); const nextStatePlus = reducer(DEFAULT_STATE, actionPlus); const nextStateMin = reducer(DEFAULT_STATE, actionMin); expect(nextStatePlus).toEqual(DEFAULT_STATE); expect(nextStateMin).toEqual(DEFAULT_STATE); }); }); describe('State has many results', () => { it('Switches to the correct selectedResult', () => { const prevState = { ...DEFAULT_STATE, search: { results: ['s/18561', 's/18562', 's/18563'], text: '1856', selected: 's/18562', }, }; const actionPlus = { type: 'SEARCH/CHANGE_SELECTED_RESULT', relativeChange: +1 }; const actionMin = { type: 'SEARCH/CHANGE_SELECTED_RESULT', relativeChange: -1 }; deepFreeze([prevState, actionPlus, actionMin]); const nextStatePlus = reducer(prevState, actionPlus); const nextStateMin = reducer(prevState, actionMin); expect(nextStatePlus).toEqual({ ...prevState, search: { ...prevState.search, selected: 's/18563', }, }); expect(nextStateMin).toEqual({ ...prevState, search: { ...prevState.search, selected: 's/18561', }, }); }); it('Properly wraps around when incrementing', () => { expect(reducer({ ...DEFAULT_STATE, search: { results: ['s/18561', 's/18562', 's/18563'], text: '1856', selected: 's/18563', }, }, { type: 'SEARCH/CHANGE_SELECTED_RESULT', relativeChange: +1 })).toEqual({ ...DEFAULT_STATE, search: { results: ['s/18561', 's/18562', 's/18563'], text: '1856', selected: 's/18561', }, }); }); it('Properly wraps around when decrementing', () => { expect(reducer({ ...DEFAULT_STATE, search: { results: ['s/18561', 's/18562', 's/18563'], text: '1856', selected: 's/18561', }, }, { type: 'SEARCH/CHANGE_SELECTED_RESULT', relativeChange: -1 })).toEqual({ ...DEFAULT_STATE, search: { results: ['s/18561', 's/18562', 's/18563'], text: '1856', selected: 's/18563', }, }); }); }); });