--- layout: layout permalink: /projects/ --- I'm a **big** open-source fan. Therefore, I open-source as much of my code as I can, you can view my [GitHub](https://github.com/nloomans) and my [GitLab](https://gitlab.com/nloomans) profile. Most of my work are websites, and I really enjoy making them, here are some of my favorites:
rooster.hetmml.nl homepage
Metis Rooster
managerzonderstress.nl homepage
Manager zonder stress
The first one, Metis Rooster, is one I wrote for my school. It’s an improved schedule page. The problem with the old one was that’s it’s incredibly difficult to select your own schedule on mobile. You had to find your own student id out of a list containing a virtually infinite amount of student ids, in random order. Compare that to this version where you simply type your student id in a search box. The second on, Manager wonder stress, is a website I made for my father. And while I personally don’t like how it came out, I did get some valuable experience of working with a boss.