require_relative 'pos' require_relative 'maze' class MazeGenerator attr_reader :maze def initialize(width, height) @maze =, height) @visitedTiles = { { false } } end def generate!() @visitedCells = [@currentPos] @stack = [, rand(@maze.height))] if ENV["DEBUG"] == "visual" print "\e[?1049h" # Save the state of the terminal print "\e[2J" # Clear the screen print "\e[0;0H" # Move the cursor to 0, 0 print "\n [ \e[1;35mGenerating maze...\e[0m ]\n\n" # Print some nice graphics print "\e[s" # Save the cursor position end print "\e[s" if ENV["DEBUG"] == "visual" while !@stack.empty? step() if ENV["DEBUG"] == "visual" print "\e[u" # Restore the cursor position print @maze.to_s(" ") end end if ENV["DEBUG"] == "visual" print "\e[?1049l" # Restore the state of the terminal end end def step() neighbors = @maze.neighbors(@stack.last)! do |neighbor| @visitedTiles[neighbor.x][neighbor.y] == false end if neighbors.empty? @stack.pop() else randomNeighbor = neighbors.sample print "Removing wall between ", @stack.last, " and ", randomNeighbor, "\n" if ENV["DEBUG"] == "log" @maze.set(@stack.last, randomNeighbor.dir_from(@stack.last), false) @stack.push(randomNeighbor) @visitedTiles[randomNeighbor.x][randomNeighbor.y] = true end end end